Thursday, May 26, 2011

The new Yahoo! Mail sucks

Two weeks ago, I switched to the new Yahoo! Mail that is supposed to take on Google, and I'm regretting it bitterly. The Search function works maybe one time out of ten; and I need search desperately because of a personal quirk: I don't maintain a contacts list or an address book. It's silly, I know, but I fear sending out a virus to friends through the account. The only way to prevent this from happening, as far as I can tell, is not to have a folder of addresses that the virus can access.
Absent an address book, I depend on the Search function to help me out every day. Without it, I'm left trawling through 14000 mails seeking the addresses I need. It's been a nightmare because I've had to send out invites to dozens of people for an event in Delhi tomorrow. Luckily Facebook's functioning well. Small mercies.
Back when I worked in a dotcom, Yahoo! was what every website aspired to be. Now we ask how the company could ever have been a dominant force in tech, the way we wonder how Britain ever managed to rule the world.


  1. My sympathies. I have a small local internet provider that I've always liked so haven't gotten on the bandwagon with gmail or hotmail or any of the rest. Can't say that it's any safer, it's just a nice little company that I'm happy to support.

    Mainly writing to say that I was sorry to hear that the Republicans have succeeded in filibustering Goodwin Liu for no good reason, and that he had written Obama asking to have his name withdrawn. It seems both a sad day and a bad sign for appointments as a whole here.

  2. True, Seana, it's been upsetting to see the way things proceeded in Goodwin's case. 'Poisonous' and 'toxic' are words used frequently these days to describe the political atmosphere in the US, and this case certainly warrants use of such language.

  3. For what it's worth, I think they realize that once he gets in, he'll be in for a long time, and they're a bit afraid of that, which is at least a backhanded compliment.

  4. Back on topic, I thought you might enjoy this article that I just read about gmail and its problems...

  5. ..."Now we ask how the company could ever have been a dominant force in tech, the way we wonder how Britain ever managed to rule the world."

    Don't be surprised if you see what you wrote elsewhere.

    I like it enough to spread that quote around whenever I get on my soapbox of how bad the new Yahoo! mail is.

    Yahoo! has turned into a dismal company BIG, BLOATED and BUPKIS ... just like their cousins Microcheese and Gooble.

  6. YAHOO IS NOW A MAIL NATZI...what wrong with you guys at Yahoo, your functionality keeps getting worse!!!! We are the one sacrificing functionality so that you can add whistles and bells that suit you!!!! First thing you did last upgrade was to disable our ability to login to multiple yahoo email accounts simulaneously, hey guess what we like to be efficient and work multiple emails for various reasons at the same time. NOPE cant have that anymore..... NOW THIS @))! 2011 version makes you sign in every time you hit the back button while in your email, or it lags because if forces a refresh or does both!!! HELLOO!! anyone there! I love to use the ALT + back directional button on my key board because it save tons of time in getting "back" to where you want to be versus resending info to your servers each time you hit the browser back button... AS MUCH AS I hate google mail, I may Have to go to it full time because all of your changes keep sucking and sucking more and more...!!!!!! Your concepts do not make sense other than if you like shorting Yahoo stock...!!! you FREAKS! OH AND PS SMOOTH MOVE (NOT!!!) ON NOT ALLOWING US TO GO BACK TO CLASSIC AND NOT TELLING US FIRST THAT ONCE WE HAD MADE THE UPGRADE (ha ha) OR CHANGE YOU CANT GO BACK TO THE OLDER VERSIONS!! YOU SUkkkk!!!! I wish I could remember the comments that the GI's said about the sukkky DJ that tried to replace Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam...they were CLASSIC (get it) because I would sure post them here...can anyone help?? Buehler Buehler!! Well I guess YOU SUKKK will have to work for Now...

  7. Yeah, the new yahoo email sucks.... :-(((((

  8. Yahoo mail is the worst NOW, what a bunch of morons for screwing up a good reliable mail.

    BOYCOTT YAHOO, they are bunch of idiots.

  9. 2 days of frustration
    Switching to G-mail.

  10. This is what you get when Yahoo replaces their Linux based servers with windows based servers.

    Slow slow slow . . . . .

  11. My biggest gripe is that whereas the old mail was spread across the screen and easy to see for my middle-aged and computer-fatigued eyes, with ads on top, now the ads take up a wide column on the right side of the screen so the emails are bunched in the middle. It's wayyy harder to read now.

    I'm still angry at how Yahole! deleted everybody's calendar and all the info in it and put in a new calendar. Which is hard to use--you now have to hit "hide" on some box in order to see what you're doing.

    Glad they went back to their old "groups" way of doing things after loud protests from groups that NEED the privacy Yahoo gives them and DON'T want a Facebook clone for their group.

    I liked Yahoo mail for its relative simplicity and ease of use but no, can't have that!!

  12. Yep, I was just "forced" to try out the new yahoo. I knew that I was in for it when I was told that it would be "better" for me. I held out for as long as possible, but today was the day that they forced me to "try it out" Now I can't read the subject of my new email because there's an ad for available singles taking up the space on the right hand side of my screen. I didn't log on to find a date - I logged on to read my email. Hit me up with your ads before I get to my email page.

    I hate it.
    Time to switch to my providers email.


    F*This. Hello Google. Its worth the 6 hours of changing my everything account over. I will save the time over the next few months not messing with this sad attempt to follow google

  14. you CAN get back to yahoo mail classic!!!!!!!!!!
    just set your screen resolution to it's lowest setting!
    as the new version can't handle it there is an option to go back (in lower right hand corner of page).
    Once you've set it(yahoo mail)to change back permanently change you screen resolution back to one you like.

  15. boo radley thank you for the info

  16. I agree - the new yahoo mail client is a travesty. Did you notice that

    1. They broke the Back button.
    2. They broke right clicking
    3. Javascript is badly written, slow and leaks memory like a sieve... use the client for an hour and it becomes slow to the point of unusable.

  17. Boo, I tried your trick about tweaking the screen resolutions settings ... But the option to go back to Yahoo Mail Classic never appeared in the lower right hand corner of the page ... ???

  18. THIS solution worked for me - happily using Classic version again!

  19. When I set the resolution higher I can't read anything on any page of my computer, and yahoo still insists I have a resolution error. Icons replacing text-why? It doesn't want to display messages, doesn't want to delete. Change for the sake of change. I don't care about the new connectivity. I just want to see and read my mail. Here's a better idea: number the mail. I would prefer a search range based on numbers. Not dates, nor anything else. Numbers. How tough would that be? At least they didn't change to those tiny windows like aol and myway did.

    It simply does not work in many instances, and when it does it's a major pain, BUT LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY FLASHING LIGHTS!!!!!

    Bye Yahoo, write if you regain your sanity or find anyone with a brain to run your company.

  21. Yes it sucks, seem to be way slower... Yahoo continues to blow, especially when they tried those expandable folders a few months ago. That is when I ditched them for google, only check email now and it has gotten

  22. Yes. You are right, New Yahoo Mail sucks big time. I can't copy email addresses. I have to constantly click the "you have reached your maximum tabs" button, I can't use the back button, hitting the inbox tab does not garantee a refreshed inbox, it dies and begins flashing like a tv screen that has lost reception. I hate it. I have so much invested in my account and now I cannot do anything efficiently.... I am so frustrated. It is really cutting into my business. YAHOO! DO something... if nothing but make it easier to switch back to classic!!!!!!

  23. I feel like I'm navigating a billboard designed by a graphic design student who cut most of their classes. It really is just a shitty billboard with some mail squeezed in. Yahoo Mail may be a free service, but they have sold 90% of your screen real estate. There's not an inch by inch square too sacred for them to use for advertising.

    I'm not even going into the technical/user unfriendly flaws of it.

    I use gmail for work and have only kept my Yahoo mail address since it is the address many of my long-time friends/family know. I'm finally making the switch permanently to Gmail.

  24. I was actually ok with the last yahoo mail, but i've been forced to go back in time to the yahoo classic email, because the NEW yahoo mail doesn't refresh right on my computer!!... I called them after paying for at least a decade to have webhosting with them, to have them tell me I needed to change to mozilla from internet explorer....???? why should I have to change browsers??
    the rep told me "well we are not microsoft....we are yahoo".... ???


  25. What I hate about the new Yahoo! Mail is the pictures. I take pics with my cell and send them to my email. Before it would come over as an attachment listed as the pic name from my cell. Now, the pics come over as an image in the text of my email and when I try to save them, there is no file name from my cell. BRING BACK THE ATTACHMENTS FOR PICS!!! The problem with switching to Classic is that I was using the version previous to this one and enjoyed it more than the Classic version, but it wont let me go back to that one, and it gave me NO CHOICE if I wanted to upgrade to this new one or not! I have been using Yahoo! for more years than I can remember and I don't want to change, but I am getting close!

  26. Heh. I did a search on new yahoo mail sucks and ended up here. Glad it's not just my imagination and that I'm not alone in hate hate hating it. It's horrid. It's clunkier, buggier, more awkward, and contrary to Yahoo's claims, it is NOT faster! (Sometimes the Post Office is faster than Yahoo now! Maybe I should buy some stamps!)

  27. You can change back to Yahoo Classic using this:

  28. VERY frustrating... I delete emails, or move them to folders, then open my inbox again later and those emails are there again! I'm a computer professional, and I'm sure it's not because of something I'm doing (such as having my inbox open in two windows at the same time). It's a bug in their system, one that gives me ZERO confidence in their ability to handle my email. Absolutely horrible. Luckily, at this point it's just a junk mail account for me.

  29. what I like is that a hack like me can type an email message faster than the new yahoo mail can write it in. I haven't been pleased with yahoo for quite some time but I have hundreds of customers who I hate to put to the inconvenience of changing. Takes some of them about 5 years to get the message.

  30. Yahoo the Saboteur....Email Sucks, company roadmap sucks, company is going down and obviously doesn't care. See you on the financial auction block real soon.....

    Off to Google

  31. I was about to post a rant about how much the new yahoo sucks, but I just tried the screen resolution trick.

    boo radley, you are a genius! Thank you so much!

  32. i HATE the new yahoomail. i used to be able to simply click on an address have a search for every email from that address and highlight all and put them in a folder, bam, done. So wtf!!!?!?!?!?. already got a new email address at gmail........

  33. I have really tried to get used to this new Yahoo mail. But we all know it was built by.. well YAHOOS that don't have a clue what thier clients want.

    The spell check in the Google toolbar is now worthless. Hey Yahoo, I have been a faithfull customer since day one. SEE YA!

  34. Do you think they even test these applications before forcing everyone to use them? NOT!

  35. I'm glad it wasn't my imagination. It did a search "new yahoo mail sucks" and ended up here.
    I wonder if anybody from Yahoo will ever read this page.

    The new interface is slower and they hide the "Check other mail" panel. Or maybe they disabled it. In the help it says that pulling down the "check mail" button you can get more options. But there is no button of such kind around in hte new interface. So, the small button next to inbox just fetches ALL the accounts linked to mine, resulting in being even slower. Like 30 seconds or more, really unbearable.
    Fortunately I found this resolution trick. I really thank you. I hope they don't force me again to change. If it happens, bye bye. I'll move to gmail finally.

  36. One of the worst things for me is that the search feature doesn't let me search for anything but a sender's name and whether it has attachments. Not for words in the subject, text, or attachments.

    The old search wasn't perfect, but this one is next to useless.

    If there's still a way to do this that I'm missing, would somebody please tell me?

  37. switch back to the classic (still works):

  38. Thank you very much for the link!!! The new yahoo mail really sucks!!! It's slow, interface is crappy and most annoying of all, it can't attach any file to my emails. Why the hell do they force the users to switch to the new yahoo mail when it's obviously still full of BUGS!

  39. First it was Excite mail. New Excite mail sucked, so I changed to New Google. It sucked, still does, so I went back to an oly Yahoo. It still worked , but alas, THEY FUCKED IT UP and now it SUCKS.
    After owning a marketing company for 35 years, I'm not sure where these dumb ass people get their ideas. They certainly do not consider their customers before they do this shit.
    One more point. After I left Excite, I have never gone back. After I left Google mail, I've never gone back. Just left Yahoo.

  40. I totally HATE the new yahoo mail! It sucks hardcore. Its slow and full of junk. Worst of it is that I have been trying to reset my password for almost a month now. Yeah, no kidding! Because my computer fails to show the security code box in Password Helper...I am screwed. Called customer service and got a code but GO FIGURE the dang thing doesnt work either. It doesnt get rejected, nor does it work. BLAH! I think Yahoo stock just dropped some more!

  41. Yep, the new mail setup is stinking big time. Why did they take away the right click 'open in a new tab/window option'? Guess what right click choice I use most? The new folder icon doen't look like a folder, it looks like a trash can.
    They've gone from being my favorite e-mail account to making me seriously consider going to G-mail.

  42. You said it! Yahoo mail was bad enough before; now it's a complete nightmare! It seems that the owners of Yahoo went cheap on hiring a developer. Even the design is not appealing. There is no functionality to the site. If you click more than 3 links, you had better pack a lunch because it's a long wait before anything happens. This is probably due to having a 10-year-old kid set up the site so they did not need to hire anyone to do it. Honestly, I have seen better Word Press Blogs than this new non-mailing system. I would suggest that we start a petition to send to Yahoo and ask them to revert back to the original mail system. I will set up a site for everyone to do this at and send a link to it later. That way we all can just fill out a form and send it to Yahoo's development team; if they still have one.

  43. I also came here after doing - out of frustration - about Yahoo e-mail sucking! I'm glad to see I have so much company with my complaints about the new and "improved" Yahoo e-mail, but not surprised. It seems like every version of Yahoo e-mail has been worse.

    The old system may not have been fancy, but at least it worked reliably and quickly. This thing is a pain.

    I agree with those who question Yahoo's technical capacity as well as their judgement on what to change. I bet all these bells and whistles hardly get used. Meanwhile, the basic things that everyone depends on suffer.

    And, yes, I hate the new search feature, too. Plus, in IE, I can't use bullet points or italics in an e-mail (have to switch to Chrome to do that), and the font face rarely works. Sometimes I can't add attachments, either. These were all things that used to work just fine. The contact name thing is awkward, too.

    Who thought of these changes, anyway?

    Plus, a couple of weeks ago, Yahoo deleted all my contact information. Of course, their bumbling technical help department was of no help. Naturally.

    I've complained to Yahoo about all these matters, but it hasn't done any good. Instead, they keep on with their propaganda about the new Yahoo e-mail being better and faster. Wrong on both accounts.

    Meanwhile, I've started on the long process of going to another e-mail provider after many years of being with Yahoo. The shame is that all of this wasn't necessary.

  44. I switched to new yahoo mail.
    Horrid experience
    Original regular mail I had no issue.
    Two big things for me is one, the ever climbing massive memory hog issue. Since when does email need 400 meg of RAM memory ? It starts out not bad, but stay on and wow, no wonder everything is creeping along.
    Secondly, the common complaint of the typing and waiting on words to appear...unreal.
    Oh - forgot another biggie - the cursor jumps clear away from where you are wanting to add something.
    If you mess around - you can eventually get to what you want to deal with or correct a line or whatever...
    And of course no response from the yahoo staff...
    I join the club of disgusted users.
    I need to use my G-mail more and eventually purge the yahoo.

  45. I've pretty much completed the long move to Gmail, and I'm happier for it.

  46. Totally sucks, no doubt, terrible. The person who said "Let's make Windows pretty, we'll call it Vista!" totally designed this. Kick her in the pooper please then kick her to the curb!

  47. Hey! This Is How You Switch Back To Yahoo! Classic Mail..
    Mozilla FireFox..
    ThiS Is Easy And Fun...
    ToolS.. OptionS.. Content..
    Disable Javascript..
    Boom! Go To Your Yahoo! Email..
    Refresh The Page..
    Switch Back To The ClaSSIc Yahoo! Mail..
    That You Love The Most!

    Go Back!
    Don't Forget To Re-Enable Javascript!

  48. How many times have you hit the Back button because that is what you have done for the past 10 years, and you lose what you were working on? I know everything has gone "Ajax". But I'm getting tired of composing messages, and hitting the Back button accidentally and losing my entire message. I just lost one today.

    And the Yahoo interface has changed. Where are my calendars? Way down the bottom. What?

  49. I thought I was alone. My new yahoo email is giving me great stress. Freezes, locks-up, slow as snail...what are they thinking?

  50. Dear Yahoo,

    Sorry to be leaving you after so many loyal years, but your email service is pathetic compared to gmail and even worse, now you are implementing some kind of "user tracking" program to keep track of people's IP address and prevent them from logging in when their usage pattern has changed and asking for phone numbers etc. Im sorry, but people go on holidays, login to their email from other pc's, change pc's, remove cookies when browser shutdowns, have privacy software etc etc and don't want to give you their phone number either!

    These common things are now stopping me (and others I know) from logging into our yahoo accounts, prompting us with ridiculous secret questions that we haven't seen for years. I don't fukn know what my secret answers are, that's why I have NEVER forgotten my yahoo password in the first place. I go on holiday and when I come back i get the below message preventing me from getting into my email. This has not happening for the past 10 years but suddently you are tracking peoples IP, asking for phone numbers, secret questions and finally blocking our email accounts. Enough is enough!

    I hope Yahoo is not trying to beat their own business into the ground by doing this, because as far as I see it, your "other services" rely on traffic from yahoo email users! What a bad business decision from a pathetic group of internet elders.

    Bye bye yahoo, hello Gmail!

    Here is the crap you are showing on every 2nd login attempt, even after successfull logins the day before....what a crazy confused "security system" you have Yahoo.

    "Confirm Your Identity: Answer Security Question
    You are logging in from a device we don't recognise. Learn why For your account safety, please answer your security question below."

  51. Damn that yahoo, I permanently closed my account last week and needed a youtube (read: google) video to show me how to do it. Go ahead, try to delete your yahoo account by yourself, I BET you can't find the link, they buried it deeper than the grand canyon. Sheese, yahoo suck badly and I'm glad to get out of there too.

  52. Where did they get the miscreants that forced us into this prehistoric yahoo mail?
